Portsmouth and District Magic Circle (PDMC )

The PDMC Magic Library

The PDMC magic library consists of around 1000 books and DVDs. Items need be signed for and returned in the same condition when you borrowed them.

The Active Library

This library is located at the Buckland Community Centre and can be accessed on any of the club nights. If you would like to checkout any of the items on this list, you can do so on any club night.

The Archive Library

This library is located at the Timmy’s house. If you would like to checkout any of the items on this list, please contact Timmy directly and will bring the item(s) along to the next meeting you agree.

DVD Library

This library is located at the Buckland Community Centre and can be accessed on any of the club nights. If you would like to checkout any of the items on this list, you can do so on any club night.

Box Files

This library is located at the Buckland Community Centre and can be accessed on any of the club nights. If you would like to checkout any of the items on this list, you can do so on any club night.